Washington (CNN)Hillary Clinton's post-convention bump extends to enthusiasm about voting and trust on a slew of issues, according to a new CNN/ORC Poll. And on the most prominent foreign policy issue of late, Russia and its relationship with the US, nearly 6-in-10 see the country as unfriendly, and about half say they think the Russian government is attempting to influence the outcome of the US presidential election.
Asked which is a bigger problem, that US intelligence believes Russia was able to hack into the Democratic National Committee's email or how Donald Trump reacted, suggesting that Russian hackers should get Clinton's emails, 61% said the hacking, 31% Trump.
The hack itself is seen as a bigger problem whether voters say they think Russia is attempting to influence the election or not.
Trump's backers are more apt than Clinton's supporters to say they see Russia as friendly to the US (43% of Trump supporters say so vs. 36% of Clinton's backers), and those who favor Clinton are far more likely than Trump supporters to say that the Russian government is trying to influence the election (60% vs. 33% among Trump backers).
And just as foreign policy has come to the forefront of the campaign, Clinton has widened her edge over Trump as more trusted to handle foreign policy (59% Clinton to 36% Trump, up from a 5-point split following the GOP convention) and has pulled even with Trump on handling terrorism (48% each -- Trump was +11 after the GOP convention) and ISIS (48% Clinton to 47% Trump -- was a 13-point Trump lead after the GOP convention).
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